“Human Behind the Penis” is a coffee table-book containing photographs of 106 erected penises. Hiding behind the photos is a variety of different personalities, occupations, body types and stories from life. We get to meet everything from celebrities, tv personalities, cops, priests, journalists, to teachers, train conductors and government officials. They all come from different backgrounds, sexual orientations and lifestyles. What they do have in common is that they are all portrayed in the same way, and that they all are anonymous!
The photographer, Jonas Norén, has created a book containing 106 pictures of erected penises, a diversity of shapes, colours and sizes. Behind every picture is a story, a life story. The book tackles subjects such as lust and the joys of life, but also covers life stories about shame, prostate cancer and HIV.
The coffee table-book ”Human Behind The Penis” is a beautiful and lavish photo book that is meant to be a role model for those generally not portrayed in body art photographs. By showing a diversity of penises together with their own very personal story, the book creates a very relatable feeling and contributes to strengthen the self-esteem with those who feel insecure about their own penises.
– Many men have insecurities about how their penises look, and compare themselves with actors from pornography. It creates feelings of shame and insecurity. Within pornography the actors most often has a big and straight penis, and in other context, you most often get to see soft penises. With this I wanted to show many different types of erected penises, that all are beautiful in their own way, says Jonas Norén.
Jonas Norén started this project back in 2015 and now the result is finally here. The photos were shot in different places such as hotels, at the home of models, at home of the photographer or in a professional studio. The photos were taken from all around Sweden, both north and south, and some of them were also shot in Denmark, Spain, USA and Germany.
– The Book ”Human Behind The Penis” was created to contribute to a healthy, positive and realistic view of your own body and penis. There is an enormous variety of penises out there and I want you to learn how to appreciate and love your penis, says Jonas Norén.
– ”Human Behind The Penis” is a coffee table-book with depth, and I hope that it will become a fun Christmas or “going away” present. It is guaranteed to be an ice-breaker and you will have a fun and interesting conversation topic to discuss during dinner. The future also holds plans of making coasters and a ”dick-memory game” with pictures from the book, says Jonas Norén.
The book is published by Tallbergs Publishing, (Tallbergs Förlag) and you can buy it at the book´s own website www.humanbehindthepenis.com and other places where books are sold.